Running out of time, are you? ;-)

There are days like today when time seems to fly too fast or maybe I am getting too slow 😉

Nothing planned in the kitchen for lunch and the minutes were getting shorter and shorter. What on earth was I going to cook as I couldn’t stop the clock?   I must confess Ken Follett’s Century trilogy is playing tricks on me. I have trouble to put down the first book ” Fall of Giants”.  I am absolutely hooked on that trilogy, even though I started with book 3  😉 

Had a quick look in the fridge and “Eureka” – felt a little bit like Archimedes there, but fully dressed 🙂 🙂 – veal scallops were waiting patiently next to a jar of cream. 

Quickly, I got some canned mushrooms and spaghetti from the cupboard. 

A quarter of an hour later, lunch was ready, dead on time! Escalope de veau à la crème et aux champignons. 

Nothing much to it but the sort of recipe which becomes handy, providing you have veal scallops at hand, of course. 

if a more fancy one is needed here it is!
